PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Friday, September 27, 2013

Elizabethan Fashion

Just as I thought things are getting better and bragged about it in previous post,
Uh Oh..  Teh Pao started to lick her paws again. =/

Out comes the cone, and in goes Teh Pao.
We've an Elizabethan courtier at home now.


  1. The cone serves to prevent him from licking?

    1. yeap, apart from fashion sense ( pun intended :P ), E-collar served to prevent licking/ nibbling. Usually used on dogs/ cats suffered from injuries or post surgery ;)

  2. 用这个cone会有效吗?可是我家黑黑它是用爪来抓痒的哦,有没有什么东西可以绑着它的后脚?!:O

    1. emm... usually dogs 抓痒, can be allergy ( food allergy/ environmental allergy) or mange ( scabies), or hot spot. or due to fur mites/ dust mites/ fleas bite/ ticks.
      The cone is used on Teh Pao because she always lick her hands and nib 'em until botak. She still scratches with her hind legs although been improving this few days by strict routine and diet control.
      Best to bring 黑黑 to vet for a quick check, consultation usually won't cost much in normal vet clinic. ;)
