PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, June 29, 2014

What I have been up to..

I'm back to hometown helping with dad's business, missing Teh Pao here, but granted the opportunity to meet Dao Sah Pao and other working dogs in the plantation.

Being back to hometown also means dedicating part of my time to First in First Aid. Yesterday was the launch of annual Flag Day ( basically it is a public donation to get funds to run the organization), and I took some of my crews whom are all high school students out for some fun while they go on appealing for donations.

Some of the places we went to

And this year we were granted with the privilege to meet Dennis, a retired race horse and his human family. 
This is Dennis, he is very friendly

As mentioned above, I'm seeing the working dogs more often these days, here are some photo of the newly joined Kaya Pao.


This is Kaya Pao

and not forgetting my sweet Dao Sah Pao
I took her home for an off day, pampered ( or torture?) her with a nice, fluffy bath, some home cooked meals and her favourite TV programme. Yes, Dao Sah Pao picked up the bad habit of watching TV in this small town. 

Ahh... I just miss my Teh Pao right now.
Hope to get home and see this little girl soon.

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