PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Pao's Maintenance: April 2014

This is an ongoing effort to keep track of pet finance. Last month was sure a record breaker.

Money spent in April 2014
Food: RM0
Treats: RM0
Veterinary and Medicine: RM0
Accessories and Miscellaneous: RM0


I spend nothing for Teh Pao in April mainly because we were well stocked in food supplies, and there wasn't any other expenses involved. Heathcare was a bomb in March, preventive healthcare ie. Heartgard and Frontline bought and stocked up for the whole year back in December 2013 and early 2014 before the price hike. Treats been coming from mum's contribution, mostly wild boar skin, meat slices that mum trimmed out and later tossed into boiling water or dehydrator before serving since I'm a little concern with the issues of parasites in wild games. We still have at least 3Kg+ of Orijen Adult left, half a bag of Primal Freeze Dried, some fresh eggs contributed by Rosma the Red Jungle Fowl, who is laying again on daily basis. Oh the joy of keeping animals~

A friend of mine who is into business launched a new product of his, and I was offered the opportunity to try out before he actually introduce it in the pet market.
" Non- toxic, perfume- free non- staining, safe on most types of fabric, biodegradable and environmental friendly" spray.

It has been a week or so I got this bottle of spray, that supposedly kill and repel bugs like dust mites, bed bugs, fleas, ticks and ants. I've yet to try out the rest ( because there are no fleas nor ticks in my house!), but the ant part, it does work wonder, no ants in my kitchen since I spray at the corners. Eager to try out the rest when I'm done with final exams, after all dust ( or was it dust mites) is one of the causes for Teh Pao's allergy. We shall see the result in a month time.


  1. I wonder if I'll *ever* see a 0 for a monthly report! Woohoo! That's a nice clutch of duck eggs.

    1. Haha I've never expect to see a single digit figure let alone 0. It is nice to have a record breaker, but that would also mean I'll have to fork out a bit more this and next month once existing food clear off. ^_^

  2. Teh Pao eats everything you gave her? My girl has been very choosy of her food lately. She was never like this until a month ago. :'(

    1. Teh Pao can be an ass hole when it comes to kibble based diet, that earns her the title "Her Royal Fusiness". But then no healthy dog would starve themselves for long, when she refused her meals, I'll have it removed after 15minutes and then serve the same thing in the next meals.
      It is not that I never have issues with raw feeding, there are certain parts that she don't touch due to texture issues, some even myself don't feel comfortable giving, so I mix around and throw in accordingly, ie. she won't take fresh liver, but is okay with it when it is frozen, so I serve accordingly, but Teh Pao don't get to choose between chicken or beef, she takes what is served ;)

  3. Nice. I need a month like this!

    1. Haha your crews love you for the variety of meals
