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Thursday, September 5, 2013

The PAO's Maintenance: August 2013

Money spent in August..
Food and Treats: RM163.95
Veterinary and Medical: RM11.00
Accessories and Miscellaneous: -

TOTAL: RM174.95

Food and Treats
Didn't buy much for last month, only a chicken, some fishes and carrots. Been clearing off those beef parts I stocked up back in July. However, since I traveled out of town, so I have to buy this 12lb bag of Merrick Grain Free Pork and Sweet Potato at price of RM143, taking the bulk of the entire food expenses for last month.

70% Meat + Fish Ingredients and 30% Fresh Produce.. or so they claimed.

We also have some frozen salmon skin and flakes left from one of my salmon purchases ( for human at home), so Teh Pao got some of these leftover salmon flakes as dinner.

Veterinary and Medical
Teh Pao's allergy flared up in the beginning of rainy season and things went pretty much out of control since she was left outdoor ( I wasn't home to keep her in). Gave the vet a ring for prescription and picked it up on my way home from hometown.

We're experiencing hot and humid morning/ afternoon but wet and chilly night everyday right now due to monsoon season. Teh Pao being the daredevil at home had always been vary of wet season, so I'm trying to make some adjustment to our lifestyle by taking her out for walk in the morning before I left home, or try to make it home earlier in the afternoon and take her out before the rain comes.

Poor Teh Pao is not afraid of the sound of thunder or sight of lightning, but the sound of rain/ water dripping on our roof!

Diet wise, I try to maintain raw feeding as our primary meals, but on chilly nights like this, I'm also resorting to home cooked, especially chicken stew, which is one of Teh Pao's favorite.


  1. 做么我的黑黑跟阿包一样,也是患上了皮肤敏感咧.....我如果不带它去看医生,可以只买药膏帮它搽吗?:(

    1. Kuma, confirm Black Black also having allergy? =O
      Allergy is about management, no medicine can heal allergy completely. Key to manage allergy is to find out what are the things your dog is allergic to. Like mine is allergic to pollen. but some dogs allergic to certain type of food ( ie grains/ chicken/ beef/ dust...etc). find out the cause of allergy then can prevent dy lo. ^^

      Sometimes dog scratch non- stop can also be skin
      problem ie. sarcoptic mange, or fur mites. Mange needs injection to clear off ( can spread to other dog and human); fur mites can be seen under microscope, once confirmed is fur mites then can buy the medicine to drip on the neck..
