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Sunday, September 29, 2013


Can't remember when exactly elder brother brought back these mulberry. These poor thing been neglected for quite some months, although malnourished but they survived, and I took the liberty of claiming ownership over them.

According to a forumer who stay nearby, these mulberry are sturdy plants that needed little care and will thrive as long as there are sunlight, soil and water. He planted in his garden and it turned into a shrub, they're lovely.


I grow mine in a flower pot and after trimming 'em once, they started to bear fruits.
Can't wait to harvest another batch of mulberry. The reddish one are usually sour, once they're ripe ( shinny black), they're sweet.
Teh Pao loves frozen mulberries and I use to add in a few in her meals alongside with blueberries or other berries, whichever has a better bargain.

Anyway, I'm planning to expand my army of mulberry and got a stalk of mulberry branch from the very same forumer. 
New mulberry.
I'll need to shift them into a proper pot. :D

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