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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Time flies

3 more days to go, I'll be sitting for my first paper. Law of Trust, nothing to be afraid of, it is either you get it and score big, or don't get it and flung that damn paper. =3

Down with terrible flu. Started with elder brother, then it spread to mum and now me, the only person who is up and healthy as a horse is my younger brother. Popped a lot of antibiotics prescribed by GP, nothing works, not yet. Had to sleep upright otherwise I can't breath, and probably end up suffocating myself in sleep. Not a chance to that.

Other than that, my back hurts, more accurately, I can feel the sting in my spine, no matter how I sleep and where I sleep. I though it is my bed at first, but it wasn't, slept on floor with a mat for close to a month, didn't improve at all. I hope it is from the stress, not something permanent or serious, will have it checked out as soon as I'm done with exam.


  1. 大伤风哦?一定要有足够的睡眠,这样才能好起来的。


    1. Hurix。。
      已经第三天了,吃了vit C就直接睡,我想我可以抢睡佛的饭碗了 =_=
