PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Under the weather

Both human and dog not feeling well and spent a lazy Saturday in bed ( mostly).

Typical scene when Teh Pao "don't feel well".

Health wise, well, it is actually only the human is not feeling well, but since I've caught up with a terrible flu and massive headache, I had to cut down on our weekend walks from three times a day to our usual weekday walk schedule - twice a day. Teh Pao wasn't particularly fond about that idea, and been sulking, not even when I offered her an egg yolk ( her favorite "table scrap") could make her forgive me.

Thus, the "not feeling well" face she had for the entire day.
Teh Pao said:" I is hate yewww!" =(


  1. Teh Pao脸黑黑的样子好可爱!

  2. 苦妈,你的黑黑没有脸黑黑也很可爱嘛。。我家的衰婆只有所求的时候才会扮可爱==
