PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Freaky neighbor

Mrs Zombie in her early sixties stays two door away. She stares at people, and that's pretty creepy sometimes, otherwise a pleasant neighbor to have around.

When I first moved to this city to stay with mum after graduating from high school, younger brother and I were getting along pretty well and we do loved to sit in the front porch before dinner every evening to catch up with each other. I was pretty scared of her, because she would either stand in her front porch and stared at us while we chatted, or creep up to our front gate and stand behind the shrubs planted outside of our house and continue staring. No words, no smile, no friendly gesture, just that creepy pair of eyes staring.

Be it just me and younger brother chilling out in the front garden, or either me or younger brother playing with Teh Pao, Mrs Zombie will go out to her front porch and continue to stare at us, even it is less than a minute chores ie. taking trash out.

Today she decided to ring our door bell. And I should have just hide behind the curtain and pretended nobody is at home instead of answering.She wanted to join me for evening walk when I take Teh Pao out.

And she showed me a huge dog collar, one that can fit in by an adult rottie or large size dog. Problem is, she don't have any pet at home. I have everything I need to walk Teh Pao...



  1. 我家黑黑比阿包还要小只,所以Mrs.Zombie的huge dog collar不要转送给我har~~:O(很不要脸的说,呵呵)

    1. Mrs Zombie的huge dog collar can fit ur 黑黑 as belt ady .. ahahaha

  2. 那位老太太是不是太寂寞了?

    1. dunno wor.. that 老太太 never answer us when we call her aunty ( out of courtesy), not even a polite smile.. creepy nia
