PitaPata Dog tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

09 April 2013

Chicken feet + chicken spine + mutton and 2 capsules of fish oil

Teh Pao was attacked by a neighbor's dog right in front of my house.

Typical stupid owner who let his aggressive dog out to pee without a leash.

Took me few minutes to separate Teh Pao from that aggressor.

Nothing too serious physically, but I'm not sure about the negative impact, mentally I mean.

I'm pissed.

Definitely not happy with the way that neighbor's responses when he came over to get his dog.
Moron acted as if it was nothing, telling me it is okay because my dog is a pariah dog ( means mongrel/ mutt/ cheapo mixed breed you can get anywhere on the road), and "pariah dogs are used to fights and injuries". *fucking ass hole!*

I didn't want to press too hard on that guy, not that I care about him but when charges are made to local council, it is always the dog's fault, and PTS is the only option available.

I wasn't keen to talk to him or listen to his excuses, but I did warned him about putting his dog on leash and a muzzle ( with that aggression) whenever that dog is out of his house compound. Threatened him in a pretty nice and polite manner, then only he apologies ( reluctantly). *fucking ass hole!* 

Cleaned and applied some iodine on those four tiny little wounds, and will monitor Teh Pao tonight. If they show signs of infection, off to the vet we go first thing in the morning.


  1. 阿包被欺负哦!以后阿包一定会很怕踏出大门口。会吗?


    1. 阿包一向来都喜欢在晴朗的天气出门,不管是坐车还是走路(只要不是下雨天就好),当然有个习惯是从小培养出来的:没两只脚的人+戴上leash,那个衰婆顶多只会坐在门口等(大门开着也一样)。。尽管是第三次被那没家教的恶狗攻击过,不过作为主人的我却很怕踏出大门口,出门前都要再三确定恶狗不在才敢出门 >_<
